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How to create an extraordinary effect using the new Champagne Metallic shade

ZENEXO – Schlenk

Creating high performance metallic finishes has never been easier! Discover the new Gold-White metallic effect shade that at the same time offers high outdoor resistance, thanks to ZENEXO’s technology that combines an ultra-thin aluminum with an encapsulated iron oxide coating, the result is a powdered product with a high resistance to the elements:

  • Excelente poder cubriente, al ser láminas ultra finas de aluminio.
  • Formulate in water and solvent systems, its dispersion is almost instantaneous! Thanks to its powder format.
  • Even if it is an aluminum powder, it does not present any risk of reaction.
  • High humidity and weather resistance

The new Zenexo GoldenWhite WB 21 YS meets stringent specification control for various applications!

Request a sample or the technical data sheet by clicking on the following link: