Epoxy Resins – Distribution Agreement in Spain
EPOSIR and EPONAC – SIR Industriale
With more than 80 years of experience in the development and manufacture of high quality materials, SIR Industriale Spa has appointed KADION ESPECIALIDADES QUIMICAS, S.L. as its distributor for Spain for epoxy resins and reactive diluents.
The range of epoxy resins are marketed under the EPOSIR and EPONAC brand names, and are intended for use in various sectors: coatings, adhesives, composites and construction.
Its main characteristics are:
- High reactivity.
- High adhesion on various substrates.
- Good mechanical properties.
- Excellent chemical resistance.
The range of reactive diluents belongs to the family of GLYCIDYL ETHERS derivatives with aliphatic or aromatic chains, marketed under the EPOSIR brand name.
Its main features are:
- Increase in pot life
- Decrease in viscosity
You can request samples, a commercial offer and the technical data sheet by contacting us at the following link: